In the chilling documentary “The Last Word”, film maker Jesse Quackenbush depicts a clash between good and evil on the High Plains of Texas when Johnny Frank Garrett, a 17 year old boy with cognitive disabilities is arrested, convicted and ultimately executed for a crime he did not commit.

The crime itself was the Halloween night rape, mutilation and murder of Sister Tadea Benz. The 76 year old nun was attacked while she slept in her room at the St. Francis Convent in Amarillo, Texas. Garrett claimed his innocence from the time of his arrest until his dying breath.

Sixteen years after Garrett's execution new evidence rose up from the cold case grave of the Amarillo Police Department proving they executed the wrong man!

"The Last Word" has been named an official selection at the Seattle, Rhode Island, Sacramento, and Buffalo International Film Festivals.

Though the film maker is not seeking to change anyone's beliefs, this gripping documentary has already inspired New Mexico governor Bill Richardson to repeal his state's death penalty law. The film also inspired the feature drama, “Johnny Frank Garrett’s Last Word”, which premiered at the "South By Southwest ( SXSW) Film Festival" in March of this year.

The Last Word has definitely made its mark in independent cinema and in this country’s laws. Check it out on Pacific Coast TV on


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