Our Mission:
The mission of Pacific Coast TV (a.k.a. Pacifica Community Television Inc.) is to ensure public access to electronic media and to promote effective uses of electronic media. An informed and interconnected community is a healthy community.

A Community Media Center:
PCT gives voice to county residents by providing technology training (TV, Radio, Internet), and use of our facilities. Members create TV shows, websites and pod-casts. Cable channels 26 and 27 are primary outlets as well as our website.

What is P.E.G.?
P.E.G. is Public, Education and Government TV. PCT produces P.E.G. (also known as Public Access) in partnership with organizations and individuals in our community.
Get Involved:
Become a member of PCT and volunteer to help produce Public Access one of our many shows or create your own. Click the button to see options.

A non-profit community organization
PCT is a 501(c)3 community based non-profit corporation chartered to give voice to our community through cable TV and new media. We're governed by an all volunteer board of directors made up of concerned citizens and business, cultural and civic leaders.

Our Staff
Jordan Globerson - Half Moon Bay and Pacifica Production Supervisor
Rudy Evenhouse - Pacifica Production Supervisor
Steve Brown - Videographer
Jonathan Contreras - Production Supervisor & Programming Coordinator
Jason Francisco - Operations & Facilities Manager
Martin Anaya - Executive Director