Hi everyone!
I would like to invite you all to our New Media 101 workshop. I am very eager to help our community members become more media savvy by introducing them to our website and all of its amazing features.

The workshop will be divided into two parts -
Part 1 is where I will teach students the very basics of our website interface.
Students will be able to:
- create a log in/become a member
- personalize their page
- and learn how to connect their PCT page to twitter, Facebook, or google+.
Part 2 gets a little more in depth with blogging. Blogging is a very powerful tool. This is a good way to get a message across to a wide range of viewers. In Part 2, I will show students how to add videos and pictures to make their blogs sizzle and pop. We will also go over effective strategies on how to get their blog posts seen. Sound like fun?
Please join me at PCT on Saturday, September 14th for this exciting, day long new workshop!
I hope to see many new and familiar faces. I can't wait! =)
programming coordinator

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