Ever since I was a kid, I've dreamed of working behind the scenes on television shows and movies. During my senior year of high school, I decided to take a film class at night to learn more about the career I've been interested in for a while. While walking through the hallway one day before class, I noticed a bright green flyer reading "TV Production Interns Wanted". I immediately took a photo of the flyer and called to set up an interview the next day.

Long story short, I got the internship! I started working twice a week at PCT and learning new skills taught by Jason Francisco, the operations manager. I learned how to properly operate a camera, during a live shoot and a taped shoot. I brushed up on my Photoshop and Final Cut pro skills since I had access to the programs on my free time when I wasn't working. I was also able to produce my own show for my Senior Capstone project with the other interns.

 Overall, I truly enjoyed my semester internship with PCT. I learned to apply the terms that I had to study for my Film Study and Appreciation class to practice and it has made my film classes at College of San Mateo much easier. It solidified my dream of working in the film industry and has given me experience for when I transfer to a film school in Los Angeles. Most importantly, I've gained a newfound appreciation for the city of Pacifica. I never knew how important PEG channels were to a community and it make happy to be a part of something that brings a town together in an age were most people don't even know their neighbors. I've made new friends with the other interns and people of Pacifica.

Eventually in the fall, I started working at PCT as the programming coordinator and it's taught me even more than what I learned as an intern. PCT is a great stepping stone for anyone who's looking to get into the industry and for me, it even gave me a job in a field I love. I'm forever grateful to PCT and the city of Pacifica and look forward to continue my work in television.

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