As many of you may know, our dear Jane Northrop passed away suddenly on Sunday. While we knew she was ill, I doubt anyone thought she would not be with us today. She was just recognized in November at PCT Honors, as you see from the video above, and just with us at our PCT board meeting last Thursday.

For now, suffice it to say, Jane was a dear, dear friend of PCT. As our longest-serving board member, Jane was an integral part of what we do as an organization. For the past 30 years, Jane took part in helping craft the decisions that have now led us to have our very own property on Crespi and an expanded service throughout the coast side.

Jane's efforts as a producer at PCT directly gave rise to the Pacifica School Volunteers program, which has been instrumental in supporting our local students. She has created the program for every PCT Honors program we've done in the past 15 years and has been there for every telethon and fundraiser we've ever done. She's introduced PCT to the wider bay area journalism community and worked tirelessly to support the idea of free speech and Public Access media which we champion.
This is to say nothing of her work at the Pacifica Tribune, in which Jane has documented nearly every major local event for over 30 years.

But, beyond all that, Jane was a great friend. I'll never forget her kindness to me personally when I had major things weighing on my spirit. Whether it was the death of my mother or a big decision for PCT, Jane was there. Like a sister, you could lean on. I heard her friend refer to her as Citizen Jane, an obvious reference to her journalistic background. I think I shall also remember her as sister Jane. Farewell, my dear friend. You will be sorely missed.

-Martin Anaya

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