Porches and police cars alike don their lights as the city of Pacifica prepares for its annual National Night Out, an event promoting safety and community. The event aims to connect local law enforcement with community members, so don’t be alarmed if you see red and blue lights outside your house on Aug. 

Pacifica law enforcement invites locals to open their doors between 6:30 and 9 p.m. on Aug. 1 to participate in a citywide block party of sorts, dedicated to uniting neighborhoods with local police departments. 

The event will be coordinated by the police department and based on prior registration, which ends July 28. This registration will ensure that all neighborhoods and households are visited throughout the evening. Many communities hold their National Night Out at a central location, but Pacifica will be taking a different approach this year. 

The city of Pacifica will not hold an event downtown, but will instead have members of the local police department visit each neighborhood registered for the event. Along with these visits are small presentations regarding issues that community members themselves bring forward prior to the event. 

This personalized strategy has yielded the best results for the city of Pacifica, and has kept National Night Out around year after year. The goal of this event is to deepen the bonds between community members in an effort to deter crime, and over National Night Out’s run in the Pacifica community ties have strengthened. 

Applications Here: https://www.cityofpacifica.org/home/showpublisheddocument/184...

Source: Pacifica Tribune

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