Spring is right around the corner so if you are looking for a new place to explore, check out Mori Point.

Mori Point is located in Pacfica down the coast next to San Francisco, showcasing stunning views of the coast and beautiful flowers. It is a great place to enjoy the sunset or simply watch the waves of the Pacific washing onto the shores. Mori Point also features a hiking trail called Peak Loop Trail where visitors can see the restored native plants and wildlife. On a clear sunny day, visitors can also see the Golden Gate Bridge at the peak overlooking Pacifica. At the end of the trail, you can walk down Sharp Park Beach to enjoy the scenery. 

Mori Point won’t be what it is today without its community involvement. Proposals in the past were unsuccessful as Pacifica residents opposed the idea of a casino or a hotel being built. With community involvement and restoration, the site now displays freshwater ponds featuring California red-legged frogs and San Francisco garter snakes that are currently endangered species. 

NPS / Kirke Wrench

If you are interested to visit Mori Point, parking is available at Mori Point Road and Bradford Way. With strong winds at the coast, dress accordingly.  More Info HERE

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