The video above will provide some factual information about Pacifica’s Budget, Measure Y, and the upcoming Municipal Election on Nov 8.

This information, and more, is available on the City’s website at



First, some budget information:

Pacifica has a $47 Million dollar General Fund annual budget that funds most of the city’s day-to-day general services, such as Police, Fire, Public Works, Parks Beaches & Recreation, Planning, and Administration
86% of this funding is spent on the personnel (65%) or contract services (21%) that provide these day-to-day general services.
70% of this funding comes from taxes such as property tax, sales tax, hotel tax, utility tax, business license tax, cannabis tax and more
But as this chart of revenues and expenditures shows, the rising cost of providing general services is currently projected to outpace revenues by approximately $2.7 million dollars per year into the future

This is known as a structural budget deficit, and presents a financial challenge in sustaining the City’s current level of essential services into the future.

In response to the budget challenges just summarized, and following community input on City priorities, in June the City Council unanimously approved placing Measure Y on the November 8, 2022 ballot to address community priorities such as public safety, jobs and business attraction, and protecting local resources, parks, and beaches, and maintaining fiscal stability by generating locally controlled funding that will stay in Pacifica and cannot be taken by the State.


Here’s the official Measure Y Ballot Question.

In summary, Measure Y, if passed by the voters, would establish a ½ cent sales tax, called a transactions and use tax, and would generate approximately $2.6 million annually for 9 years, for general government use to maintain vital services such as:

Police, fire, medical 911 emergency response, keeping pollution and trash off beaches, attracting and retaining jobs and businesses, street paving, storm drain maintenance to prevent flooding, and preventing coastal erosion. Measure Y funding would be subject to regular financial audits and independent citizens’ oversight.

Views: 196

Comment by Gage Gonzales on October 19, 2022 at 5:34pm

Thank you so much, I feel way more informed than before! 


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