Hello friends!
We need your immediate help to ensure that AB2635, the bill that would require High Definition PEG channels, passes through the CA Assembly and onto the Senate.  
While we were successful getting the bill through two Assembly committees, when it went to the floor on May 2nd it failed to get enough votes and was pulled for reconsideration. Only 18 members voted yes, 18 voted no, and 41 members DID NOT VOTE.  Why? Because the cable industry is feeding them lies. 
The cable industry says that having PEG channels in HD would cause cable rates to go up because new fiber lines would need to be built statewide, HD transmission equipment would cost large amounts of money, and there would be a monthly cost to transmit HD signals. This is all outrageous, but the cable industry is going to get away with it unless we act NOW! 
Here’s what you can do:

1. Call your Assembly Member and encourage strong support for AB2635.  Here's the contact info and how each member voted on May 2nd: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rI2cnR_ILAOricaeW4r2tlm0bAaFDVWQ/v...
2. Send an email to Assembly Members using Media Alliance's "Take Action" page. This page has helpful "Facts vs Myths" for dispelling the cable industry lies. https://takeaction.salsalabs.org/AB2635MythFact/index.html
(Also, here's proof that HD PEG channels did not increase cable rates in Oregon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bP7VZhWnroDNzkdNRE6ULfJLdbuPKmgW/v...)
3. Send this letter of support to your Assembly Member and the persons listed at the top of the letter. Encourage other elected officials or government officials to send the letter also.
We all will benefit if AB2635 passes… but we need your support NOW!

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