Dave Crimmen has being playing music for as long as he can remember. Crimmen plays rockability, surf rock, doo-wop, and classic rock in his repertoire of over 300 songs. You can check out his music on his website at DaveCrimmen.com

He has booked over 250 shows in 2015 and has plenty of more to come in 2016. He's excited to come play at the Bruce Latimer Show.

Along with his stint at the symphony, Mike Foley's performed with scores of players in a multitude of genres from Gene Clark of the Byrds to Rock and Blues luminaries Mark Naftalin, Martin Fierro and Terry Haggerty as well as opening shows for acts as diverse as the Greenbriar Boys, Eddie Money, Johnny Paycheck, George Strait, and Jessie Colin Young. He recently performed as “The Foley Boys”, a folk duo with his brother, former Byrds alum John York, at the West Fest in Golden Gate Park.

The enigmatic Foley is one of those musicians who doesn't fit easily into a box. “I don't have a favorite kind of music. It's all about the songs for me, it doesn't matter where they come from.”

A Foley Boys CD with brother John is in the works and a complete discography including recordings by Life on Earth will soon be available on the internet at MichaelFoleyMusic.com and live performances can be seen on his You Tube Page.

Watch it LIVE May 18 at 9 PM On Ch 26/27 Coastside & Streaming Worldwide on www.PacificCoast.TV

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